additional medals be given to Davies & Martin
but of different design to the Championship Medals.
H. Houghton Secy. reported that this player had
been transferred to Exeter City for a fee
of £350. The amount to be paid at Xmas
next except any share which might be
granted to the player & this to be paid
immediately on being sanctioned by the
League. It was agreed to give him an
accrued Share of Benefit of £100.
Catering Letter read from Mr. W. H. McConnell offering
for catering on the ground for next season,
but Secy. stated he had replied that same
had been let previously.
Band It was decided to advertise for
Band to play at 1st Team matches during
season 1928-9.
Practice Matches It was agreed that these take
place on Monday 13th & Saturday 18th Augt.
Flags Estimates for new flags were submitted
from Matthews & Son at £3 each, but it
was decided to ask Mr. J. Sharp to let us
have quotation.
I. Baker An application from this man for a
position as Scout was left over.
Standard Goals The question of the fixing of the
Standard Patent Goals was left over until
our present posts had given out.
Scottish Players Mr. J. Weir's report of Scottish Junior's
was read.
Ritchie (Hibs) Secy. reported that no reply was to
Connolly (Celtic) hand re the former and that the price
required for the latter was £3000. Decided
to leave over at present.