
			[Meeting of Directors held
			at North Western Hotel L'pool
			on Friday 15th June 1928]

		Present Mr. W. Cuff (Chair) & all other Directors.

Painting		The Tenders for Painting the galvanised
		Iron work & Gutters of Bullens Rd. Stand were
		opened & found to be as follows:-
		W. Clarkson		£199.0.0	Tippin Bros.	£243.0.0
		S. Powell & Son Ld.	£275.0.0	F. Morton & 6%	£335.0.0
		A. H. Davies Ld.	£370.0.0	Unwin & Challoner £545.0.0
		   It was decided to receipt the tender of
		Mr. W. Clarkson.

Fixtures		The fixtures for 1st League & C. League as
		submitted by the Secy. were approved.

Banquet			The Chairman reported the interview with
		the Manager of Midland Adelphi Hotel and it
		was agreed to suggest to the Shareholders meeting
		that the Banquet be held on the 20th Augt. and
		that invitations be sent out & no acceptances
		unless received on or before the 20th July would
		be recognised.

Preston N. E. F. C.	Secy. reported that we had received
		a further amount of £300 an a/c of J. Kerr's
		transfer fee.

New Brighton F. C.	An applications from this Club for a
		loan of £500 was not entertained.

Ground			The suggestion of Messrs Kent & Brydon
		that their two men attend to the ground
		for another two or three weeks was agreed to.

Presents to Players	Secy. reported that the League had
		sanctioned that gifts in kind up to the
		value of £25 be made to 13 players & that