Presents for Players It was decided that the Chairman
& Directors &c. make application to the League for permission
to make presents to the players up to £25 each
to celebrate the Winning of the League Championship
also to the F. A. for permission to make presents
to the Directors for the same amount. It was
also decided to grant the Secy. £25 and one
weeks wages for the rest of the Staff.
Donation Decided to grant £2.2.0 towards the
funds of the Red Triangle Lads Club.
Players on Transfer Lists read but no action taken.
Reports re Players Mr. J. Weir's reports on Scottish players
were read. He stated that Ritchie (Hibs) &
Connolly (Celtic) had not re-signed for their clubs.
Secy. was instructed to enquire if clubs were prepared
to part & if so fees required.
Mr. W. Laine gave very favourable reports
of Best (O. R.) West Stanley.
Painting It was decided to ask for Tenders for
Painting the corrugated ironwork of the Bullens
Rd. Stand.
Bovril Ld. It was agreed to renew the contract
with this firm at a rental of £16 for next Season.
Secy's Salary The Chairman informed the Secy. that it
had been decided to increase his Salary to
£650 a year from 1st prox. The Secy. thanked
the Board for their generosity.
League Cup It was agreed to allow the following
firms permission to show this Cup. Messrs G. H. Lee
& Co. Ld. L'pool. Mr. J. Sharp L'pool & Selfridge & Co. London.
Confirmed as Correct
See next page.