92 Preston N. E. F. C. Secy. reported that this club had paid £500 on a/c on fee for J. Kerr. Secy. was instructed to write pointing out that this was not in accordance with agreement. W. Brown Secy. reported that he had transferred this player to the Nottingham Forest F. C. at £500. It was decided that the player get no accrued share of benefit. Shareholders} It was decided that the Chairman Season Tickets} ask the Shareholders at the Annual Meeting as to whether they desired to continue with A & B tickets. Playing Pitch The report on the condition of the ground made by Messrs Kent & Brydon was read; and the action of the Chairman in authorising the work suggested to be carried out was confirmed. Repairs Secy. reported that 15 squares of glass were broken in Bullens Rd. and he was instructed to have same replaced. He was also asked to get a report on the condition of the gable of 223 Walton Lane. E. Taylor This player having filled in an applications to the League for a reduction of transfer fee it was decided to reduce same to £500. J. Kendrick Letter read from this player asking if he could have his transfer fee removed as he might then get an engagement. Secy. instructed to ask him to name the club. League Management It was decided to vote for the Committee retiring members. New Clubs It was decided to support Nelson & Carlisle United for Northern Section & Torquay United & Argonauts for the Southern.