91 [Meeting of Directors held at Exchange Station Hotel, L'pool on Wednesday 30th May 1928] Present Mr. W. C. Cuff (Chair) & all other Directors. Minutes The Minutes of meeting held on the 1st inst. were read & confirmed. Finance The following receipts were reported L'pool County F. A. Share of Gate £36.19.9. Notts Forest F. C. Transfer Fee (Brown) £500.0.0. Preston N. E. F. C. on a/c do (Kerr) £500.0.0. Bank Balance £11222.9.0 Dr. Cheques were signed for the following :- Sundry Players Wages £225.0.0. T. H. McIntosh do £70.0.0. do Salary £41.13.4. Dr. C. S. Baxter Fee £47. 5.0. Jas. Smith & Co. Wine £13. 4.0. T. Baty & Sons Ld. Whisky £30. 4.0. N. Western Hotel Banquet £125.19.11. Corpn. of L'pool 1st instalment Rates Property £222.12.11. Accounts The Secretary presented the accounts for the period ending 5th inst. and after Mr. H. Bowler (for the Auditors) had given explanations of the various items, it was resolved:- (1) That the amount due from Sundry Debtors be valued, for the purpose of the Balance Sheet, {1610.13.1} at £3933.0.0. (2) That a depreciation of 10% be written off all Stands. Hoardings & Erections amounting to {3181.16.5} £3535.7.3. (3) That the amount expended on Clothing, Material {332.11.10} & Stores £326.16.6 be written off Income & Expenditure a/c.