90 Reports of Players Mr. J. Fare gave a poor report of Nairn (Barrow) this player. Dodds (Accrington) Mr. D. Kirkwood gave a similar report of this player. Best (W. Stanley) Mr. W. Laine gave a very good report of this player & it was decided he watch him again. Scottish Players Mr. J. Weir's report on Scottish players was read. Dinner to Player &c. The action of the Chairman in arranging for a Dinner to the Players & Staff at N. W. Hotel on Sat. next after Arsenal match was confirmed. Ground Secy. reported that Messrs Kent & Brydon's representative would visit the ground this week and afterwards report. England v France} Letter read from F. A. that they regret & Belgium} they are unable to release Dean from these matches & it was decided that after him playing in first 2 matches on Tour he be allowed to join the F. A. party. E. Taylor Letter read from this player asking for reconsideration of his case. Decided nothing further could be done. L'pool F. A. Council Agreed to nominate Mr. W. J. Sawyer as V. P. & Secy. as member of Council. League Annual} Secy. was instructed to make Hotel Meeting} arrangements for our party at Hotel Victoria. Aston Villa v} It was decided to take the 1st Team Huddersfield} players & officials to witness this match on Aston Villa ground tomorrow. Lanes. F. A. It was agreed to support the Council candidature of Mr. H. P. Hardman for Div 7.