89 Shelbourne F. C. An application for J. Kendrick to play in benefit match for Val Harris on 12th May was granted. England & France} Letter read stating that Dean had & Belgium} been selected to play in these matches, and Secy. read copy of letter the Chairman had instructed him to send to the F. A. re his release & same was approved. England v} Letter read asking if our ground would Ireland} be available for this match on 22nd Oct. Decided to reply in the affirmative. Transfer List It was decided to fix the following fees for players to be placed on transfer list. Taylor £1000, Raitt £500, Brown £500, R. Curr Free, T. Wilkinson Free, J. Kendrick £100, Houghton £350, Dickie Free. Players to Watch Mr. D. Kirkwood to watch Dodds (Accrington) " J. Fare do Nairn (Barrow) " W. Laine do Best (W. Stanley). Next Meeting At Exchange Station Hotel on Tuesday next at 6 pm. Confirmed as Correct W. C. Cuff Chairman.