88 Smith (Connah's Mr. D. Kirkwood reported that he did not Quay) consider this player good enough for us. Continental Tour Secy. reported that Dean & Dawson's revised estimate for the trip was £28.12.6 per head. W. Brown This player having asked if he would receive an accrued share of benefit on Transfer it was agreed to inform him that the matter would have consideration if we received a transfer fee. full % on average gates re N'cle match was left to Chairman to bring matter forward at league meeting. Hull Hospital Cup} Applications were received for us to compete B'head do} for these Cups, but it was decided not to entertain same. Nominations for} It was decided to nominate the retiring Football League} Members as V. P. & Members of Management Commee. viz. H. Keys, Mr. F. Cadman, J. P. Oliver & F. W. Rinder. Agreed to nominate the following as linesmen viz. J. Ainsworth & Stephenson. Whiston F. C. It was agreed to grant this Club a donation of £10.10.0 in view of their poor financial position. Kenn (Sheff. Wed.) It was decided that the Chairman speak to Mr. A. J. Dickinson re this players transfer. F. A. Rules The proposed alterations were read. Outfits It was decided to purchase a new Set of light jerseys. Reid D. Agreed to remove this player from transfer list. Players resigned Secy. reported that he had re-signed the following players. Davies, Cresswell, O'Donnell, Kennedy, Common, Kelly, Hart, Virr, Critchley, Dean, Weldon, Troup & Griffiths. Next Meeting At Exchange Station Hotel on 24th inst. at 6 pm. Confirmed as Correct W. C. Cuff Chairman.