84 L'pool Senior Cup Secy. was instructed to try & fix this Final v Tranmere Rovers for 7th May on the L'pool F. C. ground. Reports re Players Secy. reported that he was not too McNeil (Rhyl.) impressed with this players' display v Newport County. Hicks (M/c City) Mr. J. Fare gave a poor report on this players display and also as to Character. Stein (Dunfermline) Mr. J. Weir gave a good report of this player. England v Scotland Mr. E. Green gave a report of this match. Chorley Players Mr. J. Elliott gave favorable reports of Freeman (C. H.) Wright (I. R.) Cherry (C. F.) & Butler (I. L.). Swiss Tour Secy. submitted estimates of cost of Tour by Messrs Thomas Cook & Son & Messrs Dean & Dawson and it was decided to accept the former. Retained & Transfer It was decided to add Wilkinson Lists & R. Curr to transfer list & to consider the engagement of Taylor & Hardy at next meeting. Use of Ground Applications for use of ground for Houston Cup Final & L'pool v Cheshire School boys were not entertained. Players to watch Mr. J. Fare to watch Stein (Dunfermline) & if satisfied to ask fee required. D. Kirkwood to watch Watson (Oldham Ath.) J. Elliott do Chorley Players. Harkness & Chalmers The Chairman was asked to make some (Queens Park) enquiries re possibility of these players becoming pros. Next Meeting At Exchange Station Hotel on Tuesday next at 6 pm. Confirmed as Correct W. C. Cuff Chairman