St. Lukes Festival Agreed to grant use of practice ground
for Mayday Festival on June 2nd.
L'pool Senior Cup The question of arranging date for Final
of this Cup v Tranmere Rovers was left in hands
of Secy.
Munster F. A. An application from this Assocn. for
friendly match in Cork was not entertained.
A. French It was decided to offer this player
an engagement at £3 per week up to 4/5/28
with leave to follow his employment up to
beginning of next season.
Players to Watch Secy. to watch McNeil (Rhyl.)
J. Fare do Hicks (M/c City)
J. Weir do Stein (Dunfirmline)
J. Elliott do Lancs. Combination Players.
Next Meeting At Exchange Station Hotel on Tuesday
next 3rd April at 6 pm.
Confirmed as Correct
W. C. Cuff