83 had played 20 1st team matches - Wages £5 per week to 4th May 1929 with £10 Signing Fee. Action confirmed. Pegg & Yorke Mr. D. Kirkwood reported that under the (Lincoln) conditions these players had played fairly well v Crewe especially the latter. Johnson (Leith) Mr. J. Weir reported that he did not consider this player of standard required by us. Williams & Smith Mr. J. Elliott gave a poor report of these (Connah's Quay) players, but spoke very well of McNeil of Rhyl. Continental Tour Secy. read letter suggesting dates for the 4 matches & it was decided to agree to the following 13th May at Bern 16 or 17th at Geneva, 20th at Zurich & 23 or 24th at Basle - Lease L'pool on 10th May & return after match at Basle. Secy. reported that he had asked for quotations from the Cook & Son & Dean & Dawson. Outside Lefts Secy. gave a list of likely outside lefts & it was decided that Chairman make enquiries re some of them whilst in London. Argonauts F.C. It was agreed to support the application of the Argonauts F.C. for admission to Southern section of III League. E. Taylor Agreed to give this player permission to play in a Charity match arranged by the Cotton Assocn. Secy. to apply to the L'pool County F.A. for necessary permission. A Team Ground The estimate of W. Clarkson of £13.18.6 for repairs caused by Storm Damage &c. was accepted. Friendly Match An application from Cliftonville F.C. for friendly match in April was not entertained. C. L. match v The Secy.'s action in re-arranging this L'pool match for Apl. 23rd instead of 25th was confirmed.