
Team Selections		The following teams were selected:-
		v Sunderland (a) 31st inst.
		Davies, Cresswell, O'Donnell, Kelly, Hart, Virr,
		Critchley, Martin, Bain, Weldon & Troup. Res. - Easton
		if Weldon unfit Martin to play I. L. & Easton I. R.
		with Raitt Res.

		v Aston Villa Res. (h).
		Hardy, Common, Kennedy, Barker, Griffiths,
		Rooney, Meston, Jones, French, Houghton &
		Wilkinson. Res. - Lewis.

Notice of Motion	On Mr. E. Green's notice of motion it was
E. G. W. C. C. decided to place the following protests on

		Resolved (1) that this Board view with disapproval
		any resolution of the Board not being fulfilled
		either at the instigation of the Secretary, Chairman,
		or any member or members of the Board, as
		happened in the case of the resolution of
		March 12th 1928 re Dunn (Hibernians) McClelland

		(2) Against any action, which action should
		require a resolution of the Board being taken
		by the Secretary, Chairman, or any member or
		members, of the Board, without it being a
		resolution of the Board.

Reports re Players	Mr. W. Laine gave another good report
Barker (Cockfield) of this player who had signed a League
		form & who was now willing to pay a trial.

Jones & Rothwell	Mr. D. Kirkwood gave a good report of
(Darwen)	these players, but stated that the former
		had been secured by Blackburn Rovers.

Jones (Bournemouth)	Mr. D. Kirkwood reported that he had
		secured this player's transfer at a fee of
		£1600 with a further sum of £500 when he