16th February, 27. Dear Sir : Your letter of the 12th instant enclosing a Resolution which you state was passed by a number of Shareholders of the Everton Club at a Meeting held on the 11th instant requesting my Board to call an Extraordinary Meeting of Shareholders was considered at a Meeting of my Directors held last evening. As the Shareholders are doubtless aware, the position of the Club in the League Table is giving us very great concern. For a considerable period, strenuous efforts have been and are being made with the object of alleviating our position, and in these circumstances we feel that no good purpose could at this juncture be served by convening such a Meeting as is desired. Indeed, we feel sure that you and other Shareholders will on reflection agree that the whole of the energies of the Club, its Directors, Players, and supporters should be concentrated on an effort to improve our status in the League Table.