
		v M/c United (a) 14th inst. & Leicester City (a) 17th inst.
		Hardy, Cresswell, O'Donnell, Kelly, Hart,
		Virr, Critchley, Easton, Dean, Weldon & Troup.
		Res. - Raitt.

Director to Leicester	Mr. A. Coffey.

Reports re Players	Mr. J. Elliott gave a good report of
Williams & Smith these players & it was decided that he
(Connah's Quay)	follow them up.

Scottish Players	Mr. J. Weir's report on Brannan (Longriggend)
		& Summers (Coalburn) was read.

Photo			It was decided to accept, with thanks,
		the gift of a photo of the first Australian
		Cricket team from Mr. T. Keats.

Secondary Schools	It was agreed to grant the use of the
Shield		ground for the final of this Competition.

Benefits		The minute of the League agreeing to
		the payment of £650 to Troup & £500 to Raitt
		was read.

L'pool Boys Assocn.	Agreed to allow this association to
		send Sandwich boards round the ground
		on the 24th inst.

Match v S. F. X.	It was decided to play a match with
		this college XI as in previous years.

Friendly Match		It was agreed to accept the offer
		of the Leinster League to play a match in
		Dublin on Easter Monday for a guarantee
		of £300 & half gate over £600.

Brown (Chelsea)		Secy. was instructed to enquire the
Kirton (Villa)	fees required for these two players.

Players to watch	Messrs E. Green & J. Fare to watch Brook (Barnsley).
			Mr. D. Kirkwood		   do	   Jones (Bournemouth).

Next Meeting		At Exchange Station Hotel on Tuesday next 6 p.m.

						Confirmed as Correct
							W. C. Cuff