78 W. R. Clayton to John McConnell 1 Share No. 2356 E. J. Clayton to Thos. J. Lewis do 1555 do to Frank Lewis do 1556 do to Charlotte Garth do 1557 Players to Watch Messrs A. Coffey & J. Sharp to watch Dunn (Hibs) or Stevenson (Motherwell) Mr. J. Fare do Meston (Gillingham) " D. Kirkwood do Tilson & Brook (Barnsley) " E. Green do Jones (Bournemouth) Secy. was instructed to make enquiries re Carter (W. Brom.) McClelland (M'bro) & Thompson (Sawnsea) Next Meeting At Exchange Station Hotel on Tuesday next at 6 p.m. Confirmed as correct W. C. Cuff Chairman