
Oxberry (Shields)	Mr. D. Kirkwood reported that he did
		not consider this player good enough for us.

Meston (Gillingham)	Mr. J. Elliott gave a very good report of
		this player.

Hutchison (Falkirk)	Mr. J. Weir gave another good report
		of this player.

Barker & Harrison (Cockfield) Mr. W. Laine gave a good report of
		these two players.

Continental Tour	A further letter was read from the
		Bern F.C. offering £800 for 4 matches. It
		was decided to accept this offer.

Arrangements v		It was decided to stay overnight
Leicester &	for the former match away & to travel
Burnley		to Burnley for the C. L. match by Saloon

Grand National		It was agreed to take the players
		& staff to see the Grand National as in
		previous years. Secy. to make the necessary

Scott. (L'pool)		The Chairman was authorised to
		interview the L'pool Club re this player
		and endeavour to secure his transfer
		up to £5000.

D. Raitt		Letter read from this player asking
		if the amount of his benefit could be
		reconsidered. Decided to do nothing
		further in the matter.

Catholic Schools	Application received for use of
		ground for finals, but it was decided their
		request could not be acceded to.

Rating Assessment	It was agreed that the question
		of the Assessment on the ground be left
		in hands of Mr. Oswald Young to settle
		with the Authorities.