
		Apl. 18th League match v N'cle United (h)
		 -   25   C. L.   do   v L'pool (a).
			It was decided to ask M/c United to
		play postponed league match on March 14th.

Leave of Absence	It was agreed to grant players applying
		leave from after training Thursday next
		until following Monday night.

New Stands a/c		Letters red from Messrs A. Leitch & Partners
		re a/cs which were passed for payment as
							   £  s d
		Tysons (Contractors) Ld. Counters 	  47. 0. 0
		   do			Urinals		 137.15. 0
		   do			Balce. of a/c	 107.12. 5
							£292. 7. 5
		A. Leitch & Partners Balce. of Fees	 429.16. 9
			do	     Material a/c	  33. 6.11
							£463. 3. 8

Distillery F.C.		Letter read asking for D. Reid's transfer.
		Decided to make same offer to them as to
		Coleraine F.C.

Bohemians F.C.		Application for friendly match not entertained.

Donation		Decided to grant £5 to Robroyston Sanitorium
		for comforts for our old player P. Sheridan.

Continental Tour	The applications were gone through & it
		was agreed that if the Swiss Authorities would
		offer £1000 for 4 matches in May we would
		undertake the tour subject to confirmation by F.A.

Norwich Hospl. Cup	An application for us to play for this Cup
		was not entertained.

Refreshment Kiosk	Application from J. F. Tyndall for
		permission to erect a Kiosk on land adjoining.
		A team ground was considered. Agreed to let
		him have same for £5 a year subject to the
		Corporation agreeing to same.