71 [Meeting of Directors held at Exchange Station Hotel on Tuesday 14th Feby. 1928] Present Mr. W. C. Cuff (Chair) & all other Directors except Messrs H. Banks & W. J. Sawyer. Before proceeding with the business of the meeting the Chairman on behalf of the Board welcomed Dr. C. S. Baxter on his taking his seat for the first time. Dr. Baxter thanked the Board for their sentiments. Minutes The Minutes of meeting held on the 7th inst. were read & confirmed & Finance Committee meeting held on 3rd inst. Finance The following receipts were reported Gate v Tottneham Hotspur £1733.11.10 Tax £279.5.10 20% £205.4.9 1% £ 13.19.6 Half Gate from Chirk F.C. £ 6.16.8 20% from Huddersfield Town F.C. £392. 4.4 Middlesbro F.C. bal'ce Fee re Peacock £500. 0.0 Preston N. E. F.C. on a/c do re Kerr £775. 0.0 Collection for St. Dunstans £ 30. 6.3 Bank Balance £8530.16.0 Dr. Cheques were signed for the following Collector of Customs & Excise Enterts. Tax £279. 5.0 Tottenham Hotspur F.C. 20% £205. 4.9 Football League 1% £ 13.19.6 J. Peacock Accrued Share £ 80. 0.0 St. Dunstans Footballers Fd. Collection £ 30. 6.3 T. H. McIntosh Wages &c. £300. 0.0 Reports of Matches Reports were received of the matches v Tottenham Hotspur 2-5 & Chirk 5-4. Dr. & Trainers Report All players were reported fit except Kelly & Brown.