71 K-O v W. Ham. It was agreed to give this club permission to K-O at 3.30 on Mar. 3rd. Vacant Directorship The question of filling up the vacancy on the Board caused through the death of Dr. J. C. Baxter was discussed & it was decided to fill the vacancy at once & it was unanimously agreed to co-opt. Dr. C. S. Baxter to the position. Players to watch Mr. E. Green to watch Dickie (New Brighton) & Waring & Rimmer (Tranmere Rovers). Mr. J. Fare to watch Oxberry (S. Shields) & if satisfied to enquire transfer fee required. Mr. D. Kirkwood to watch Marshall (S'port). Next Meeting At Exchange Station Hotel on Tuesday next at 6 pm. Confirmed as Correct W. C. Cuff Chairman