68 [Meeting of Directors held at Exchange Station Hotel on Tuesday 31st Jany. 1928] Present Messrs W. C. Cuff (Chair), E. Green, W. C. Gibbins, W. J. Sawyer, J. Sharp & A. R. Wade. Minutes The minutes of meeting held on the 24th inst. were read & confirmed. Dr. J. C. Baxter The Chairman reported the death of Dr. J. C. Baxter & in doing so deeply deplored the loss of one of their colleagues who had been associated with the club since its inception & who had been a valiant worker in the clubs interest during the whole of the period. He was sure they would all agree with them that his loss would be severely felt. A letter of condolence had been sent by the Secy. to the members of his family. Finance The following receipts were reported 20% from Birmingham F.C. £261.16. 8 Gate v Marine F.C. £ 2.10. 0 Receipts from Lavatories £ 1.17. 8 D. Allen & Sons Rent Billposting Sn. £ 50. 0. 0 Bank Balance £11942.3.2 Dr. Cheques were signed for the following:- The Wembley Stadium Final Tkts. £ 10.10. 0 do International " £ 5. 5. 0 Football Association Entry Fee & Sub. £ 1.11. 0 Cleveleys Hydro Ld. Hotel a/c £ 77.19.10 T. H. McIntosh Wages £250. 0. 0 do Salary £ 44.13. 4 Reports of Matches Reports were received of the matches v Arsenal 3-4, W. Bromwick Res. 1-2 & Marine 4-5.