Journey to London It was decided to cancel the arrangement
to travel to Brighton & instead to travel with 2.0
train on Friday & attend theatre on Friday night
Return from London on Sunday.
Cup Replay In the event of a draw v Arsenal &
also in tie Cardiff City v L'pool we toss the
L'pool Club for choice of dates. It we win
toss, we to play on following Wed. & if otherwise
to offer the Arsenal club to play on Monday
& failing their acceptance to play on Thursday.
Preston N. E. F.C. Letter read stating their inability to
pay full amount of £1500 1st instalment due
re J. Kerr. Agreed to report the matter to
Football League.
Wigan Boro F.C. It was decided to accept the Sum
of £100 if paid at once in full settlement
of amount owing by this club re G. W. Jones.
Middlesbro F.C. It was also decided to request immediate
payment of £500 2nd instalment due re J. Peacock.
W. Brown Notice of motion given by Mr. Wade to
place this player on transfer list.
Report re Players Mr. J. Weir's report re Hutchison (Falkirk),
Stevenson (Motherwell), Dunn (Hibs) & McMillan
(Hearts) was read.
Continental Tour Letter read from Mr. Larsen re proposed
Tour to Scandinavia & Copenhagen stating that
our terms were too high.
Letter also read from W. Wilson (Bern F.C.
Switzerland) asking if we would undertake
tour in Switzerland. Decided to ask their
Use of Ground An application from L'pool County
F.A. asking for use of ground for Final of
L'pool Challenge Cup on Easter Monday morning
was deferred.