60 Journey to Sheffield It was decided to travel by the Excursion on 31st inst. and dine on train both ways. Donations Agreed to grant the following. Gulliver Children Parties Fund, Bootle Poor Kiddies Xmas Treat, H. Walker Poor Kiddies Treat & Bootle Hot Pot Fund £2.2.0 each. Players on Transfer List from Derby County, but no action taken. Hot Water Pipes Letter read from Mr. C. Wright re condition of these pipes - Decided to ask him to give estimate for suggested work. Players to watch Mr. E. Green to watch Kennedy (Arsenal) " J. Fare do Common (Blyth) " D. Kirkwood do Shaw (Wolves) " J. Weir do Clarke (Bathgate) Messrs A. Coffey & A. R. Wade to watch Marshall (Southport) " J. Elliott do Betton (Chesterfield) Secy. do Bann (Tottenham H.) Next Meeting At Exchange Station Hotel on Wed. 28th inst. at 6 pm. Confirmed as Correct. W. C. Cuff Chairman