58 Reports re players The Chairman, Vice Chairman & Secy. gave Steele & Nicholson fair reports re these two players, but suggested they be seen again before a decision was come to. Steele was on the small side. Roberts & Robinson Messrs J. Sharp & D. Kirkwood reported that (Leeds United) they were not impressed with these players. Hook (Crookhall) Mr. J. Fare reported that this player was not of standard required by us. Common & Coyle Mr. W. Laine gave a fairly good report (Blyth) of the former. also Fairhurst (L. B.) of M'bro. Yuille (Dumbarton) Mr. J. Weir gave a good report of this goalkeeper. Irvine The question of the proposed transfer of this player was again fully discussed and it was agreed that the clubs who had asked what the fee was be told £4500. Raitt It was decided to now withdraw this player from transfer. Transfer of Shares The following transfer of Shares was approved. Exors. F. M. Davey to Catherine W. Richardson 3 shares Nos. 2467 to 2469. Journey to Cardiff The arrangements for this journey were given by Secy. to go as far as Birmingham on the 26th and on to Cardiff from there on 27th - Secy. was asked to try & see if we could get any further on the journey on 26th. Journey to Blackburn - Decided to travel by motor for this match on Jany. 2nd - Players to have a meal at Exchange Hotel before travelling. F.A. Cup 3rd Rd. Secy. reported we had been drawn against Preston N. E. away - He had ascertained that the prices of Stands were suggested at 7/6 & 5/- - Decided to agree to these & also to ask for 50 Complimentary tickets.