Virr, Critchley, Forshaw, Dean, Weldon, Troup,
Res. Irvine.
v Wolves Res. (h)
Davies, R. Davies, Bain, Brown, Griffiths, Rooney,
J. Roscoe, Easton, White, Dominy & Lewis
Res. Dickie.
v Prescot
left to staff.
Directors to Bury Messrs W. J. Sawyer & A. R. Wade.
Report re Players Mr. A. Coffey gave a good report of
Doberty (Portadown) this player - It was therefore agreed that
Mr. E. Green & Secy. proceed to Portadown next week
to watch him with powers to sign him on
if satisfied.
Fulton (Larne) Mr. J. Fare gave a good report of this
player but stated he did not think he would
have his club. Decided that deputation to
Ireland make further enquiries.
Roberts & Robinson Mr. J. Elliott gave a good report
(Leeds A.) of these players, and Secy. was instructed to
ask if club were prepared to part with one.
He also gave an excellent report of
Keetley (C. F.)
Steel (St. Johnstone) Mr. J. Weir reported very favorably
of this player and it was decided to have
him watched again.
England v Wales Secy. reported that Dean had been
selected to play in this match at Burnley
on 28th inst. - Decided that Messrs The Chairman
A. R. Wade, W. J. Sawyer & Secy. attend the match.
Fleetwood Disaster Agreed that Secy. accompany Dean
Fund Match & Virr to this match at Blackpool tomorrow.
Report re Ground Messrs Kent & Bryden's report on the state
of the ground was read. Decided Secy. be