52 Hodgkinson Mr. J. Fare gave a poor report of this (Barnsley) player, but reported very favourably of Brooks (O. L. Barnsley) & Rowley (I. R. Southampton). England v Mr. J. Elliott reported very favorably Ireland of McCracken (goal), Fulton (back) & Doherty (I. L.) of the Irish Team. Scottish Players Mr. J. Weir reported that he was not impressed with the Ayr United backs. K. O. v S'land The Secretarys action in fixing K. O. v S'land at 2.40 was approved. Fleetwood } It was agreed to give a donation of Disaster Fund} Fifty Guineas to this Fund & to have a collection at the match v Sunderland. D. Reid An application from Southend United for the loan of this player was not entertained. Ground The Chairman gave a resume of Messrs Kent & Brydon's report on the state of the new turf. Hargreaves } It was agreed to give a donation s d Testimonial} of 10/6 to this fund. N. Brighton F. C. It was also agreed to give a donation of £10.10.0 to this clubs Storm Damage Fund. Sheffield United} Letter read from this club asking if we F. C. would part with Irvine or White - Decided not to entertain same but to offer Houghton at £1500. Players to watch Mr. E. Green to watch Doherty (Portadown) Mr. A. Coffey do Fulton (Larne) J. Fare do Barkas (Bradford C.) J. Elliott do Leeds Reserve Backs. Next Meeting At Exchange Station Hotel on Tuesday next at 6 pm. Confirmed as Correct W. C. Cuff Chairman