49 was not entertained on account of the State of the new turf. Removal a/c It was decided to apply to the League for permission to pay Cresswell's removal a/c of £25. Goal Covers It was agreed to have two new tarpaulin covers for goal mouths at a cost of £8.8.0 each. Irvine Secy. reported enquiries from Derby County, Barnsley & Portsmouth F. C.'s re this player, but it was decided not to negotiate for his transfer. Players to Watch Mr. E. Green to watch McMullan (Ards) J. Elliott do Mellon (D'ton) J. Sharp do Marshall (Southport) Secy. do Barkass (Bradford C.) Next Meeting At Exchange Station Hotel on Tuesday next at 6 pm. Confirmed as Correct W. C. Cuff Chairman