45 Friendly match An application from Dublin Branch of the British Legion for us to play our 1st team in a match in Dublin at end of season was not entertained. Ireland It was agreed to release Irvine to v England play in this match on 22nd inst. if selected. C. L. match v It was decided to accede to a request Derby County for Derby County F. C. to alter date of match from 3rd to 7th Decr. Broadcasting Agreed to give permission to the B. B. C to broadcast our match v L'pool on Sat. next. Collections It was agreed to allow the following collections to be made on the ground viz. Oct. 22nd in aid of Nat'l. Institute for Blind (L'pool Branch) Feb. 11 do Footballers Fund for St Dunstans. Irvine A question was raised as to advisability of placing this player on transfer, but it was decided to leave matter over until next meeting. Troutbeck Hydro Letter read asking if we would take any interest financially in the purchase of this Hydro. Decided not to do so. Players to watch Mr. E. Green to watch Irish League v Scottish League do do Jones (M/C United) " J. Fare do Pickering (Gillingham) " W. J. Wallace do Thomas (Mid. Rhondda) " J. Elliott do C. J. & O.L. (Nantwich) " J. Weir do Rae (Kings Park) Next Meeting At Exchange Station Hotel on Tuesday next at 6pm. Confirmed as Correct E. Green Chairman