Bands Applications having been received from L. M. & S. Rly., Dingle Temperance, Cheshire Lines, & Aigburth Silver Bands to play at 1st Team matches, it was decided to offer, trial engagement to the last named band for 4 matches at £3.10.0 per match. Programmes Application was received from Mr. E. A. Morton to publish the programme for 3 years for a rental of £300. The question of the publication & its quality having been discussed, it was decided that Chairman & Secy. interview the Liverpool F. C. & suggest that the privilege be let only for 12 months at present & to further discuss the whole question of quality, price &c. Printing Prices for printing required were submitted by Messrs D. Allen & Sons, C. Tinling & Co. Roche & Hull & T. Kilburn & Co., and it was decided to accept that of Messrs Roche & Hull. J. Broad The Chairman reported that he had heard that this players conduct and character was not too good. It was decided that Secy. notify clubs that we would be prepared to transfer him, after we had arranged with & signed D. Murray. Smoking Concert The names of the Artists were submitted, & it was agreed to ask Mr. Cooper to engage a humorist. Orwell Wednesday Application was received from this club F. C. for tenancy on Wednesdays during 1925. 6 of A team ground. It was decided to let them have same subject to a rental being agreed & they giving an undertaking to make good any damage which might be done to the premises, fences &c. on their match days.