			[Meeting of Directors held at
			Exchange Station Hotel, Liverpool on
			Tuesday 11th August 1925]

		Present Mr. W. C. Cuff (Chair) & all other Directors
				except Dr. J. C. Baxter.

Minutes			The Minutes of Meeting held on the 16th
		June 1925 were read & confirmed.

Bank Balance		The Bank Balance was reported to be
		£2453.14.9 Cr.

Captains		It was decided that H. Hart be Capt.
		& S. Chedgzoy Sub. Capt. of 1st Team for forthcoming
		Season. The Reserve Team Capt. to be selected
		later on.

Practice Matches	The action of Chairman & Secy in fixing
		these for Aug 15th & 19th was confirmed.

Staff Wages		It was decided to increase J. Fortune's
		wages by 10/- per week from 17th inst., but no
		action was taken with regard to other members.

Donations		Applications from St. Helens F. C. & Mr.
		J. Phillips on behalf of Murray Fund for
		donations were not entertained.

Darlington F. C.	The Chairman reported that this Club
		had now agreed to pay us £250 for breach
		of contract re T. Scott, the amount to be paid
		in Septr. It was agreed to distribute the sum
		amongst the Charities.

New Brighton F. C.	The action of the Directors severally in
		granting a loan of £500 to the New Brighton F. C.
		for a period of 6 months at 5% interest was confirmed.
		The Secy. reported having received a Bill for
		£512.10.0 which had been deposited in Bank.
		The letters from the New Brighton club were read.