Players Sub. } It was resolved to form this Committee Committee } & that Messrs The Chairman, Vice Chairman & Messrs A. Coffey & J. Sharp comprise same to deal with all matters relative to Players. Kirkdale F. C. Letter read asking for a donation. Agreed to grant £2.2.0. St. Saviour's F. C. Letter read asking the club to forego the balance of rent of £3. It was agreed under the circumstances to do so. Fixtures The League & Central League fixtures were reported & approved. New Offside Rule The Chairman reported that the new rule of 2 defenders would come into force next Season & the Board considered it advisable to have as many games during training as possible, so that the players would become thoroughly acquainted with same. Players Picnic It was decided to hold this at Newly Bridge on Friday Aug. 7th next. Staff Wages It was agreed to bring this question forward at next meeting. Repairs to Stand} The tenders of Messrs Graves & Co. Ltd. Roofs } for repairing the roofs of Bullens Rd. Stand at £260.18.3 & the Goal Double Decker at £169.1.8 per their letters of 5th & 15th inst. were accepted. South African } The Chairman reported that he had received Players } a cablegram from S. Africa asking the Club to send £200 for passage money &c. The Board decided that if it meant that Murray, Riley & Hodgson were the players indicated, they were prepared to engage them, the Chairman to make the necessary enquiries. Next Meeting Left in hands of Chairman to fix. Confirmed as Correct W. C. Cuff Chairman.