Prices of Admission The question of reduced prices for Ladies & Boys to stands was brought forward & it was decided to make enquiries as to what other clubs did. Lancashire F. A. Meeting Decided that the Chairman & Messrs A. Coffey, W. J. Sawyer & W. C. Gibbins attend Annual Meeting at Blackpool on the 13th inst. L'pool Season Cup Decided that Messrs E. Green & A. R. Wade, & failing the latter, Mr. J. Fare attend a meeting re next years Competition on the 5th inst. with powers. A. Wall Letter read from Swindon that they could not see their way to sign this player at a fee of £500. It was agreed to leave the question of taking a less sum in the hands of the deputation to London next week end. Donations Application from Fisher Testimonial allowed to lie on table & that for the Murray Benefit was again deferred. Repairs to Ground &c. The Ground Committee through Mr. H. Banks were given authority to obtain estimate for covering roof of Bullens Rd. Stand and also to have any odd repair jobs required put in hand. Ballot Boxes It was decided to purchase 2 ballot boxes. Training It was decided that all players report for training on Tuesday 4th Augt. Staff Holidays This question was left in hands of the Chairman & Secy. Doctors Reports Secy. was instructed to obtain reports re Harland, Peacock & Livingstone. Next Meeting Tuesday 16th inst. at Exchange Station Hotel at 6 pm. Confirmed as Correct W. C. Cuff Chairman