				[Meeting of Directors held at the
				Exchange Station Hotel Liverpool
				on Tuesday 2nd June 1925]

		Present Mr. W. C. Cuff (Chair) & all other Directors
			except Mr. J. Sharp.

Minutes			The minutes of meeting held on the 15th ult.
		except sentence in Minute 3 deleted & Annual General
		Meeting held on the 28th ult. were read & confirmed.

Election of Chairman	Mr. W. C. Cuff, on the proposition of Dr. J. C.
& Vice Chairman	Baxter & secd. by Mr. A. Coffey, was unanimously
		re-elected Chairman & on the proposition of Mr. 
		A. R. Wade secd. by Mr. A. Coffey, Mr. E. Green was also
		unanimously re-elected Vice Chairman. Both
		gentlemen returned thanks.

Committees		The following Committees were re-elected.
		Finance  Messrs W. J. Sawyer, A. Coffey, W. C. Gibbins & A. R. Wade
		Ground     "	H. Banks, Dr. J. C. Baxter, A. R. Wade	& J. Sharp
		Stores	   "	W. C. Gibbins, A. Coffey & H. Banks.
			It was also suggested that a Committee 
		be formed to deal wholly with Players & Teams
		& it was decided to discuss this matter at next

Wigan Boro F. C.	Secy. reported that Wigan Boro. F. C. had
		sent Cheque for £50 on a/c of outstanding instalment.
		He was instructed to ask the League what decision
		they had come to in this matter.

Notts County F. C.	Letter read from this Club objecting to our
		claim for compensation. Secy. stated his reply
		& failing payment of amount claimed the matter
		would be reported to the League. Action confirmed.

Season Tickets		The ordering of Season Tickets was agreed
		to on same principle as last year.