Mr. E. Green 489 Dr. J. C. Baxter 473 Mr. A. R. Wade 471 " J. R. Hurrell 123 The Chairman declared the first three duly elected & thanked the Shareholders for their confidence in the Board. Share Capital Mr. T. J. Ivens raised the question as to the possibility of paying out of the funds of the Company the balance of 5/- unpaid on the Shares. The Chairman stated he did not think the matter would be agreed to by the F. A. but that it should have consideration. Auditors Mr. C. McKie proposed & Mr. A. Lomax seconded that Messrs T. Theodore Rogers Bowler & Co. be re-elected Auditors at a fee of Sixty Guineas & this was carried unanimously. Players Signed The Secretary read a list of the professional players signed on for next Season. Vote of Thanks Mr. C. Wright proposed & Mr. T. Roberts seconded a hearty vote of thanks to the Directors for their past services & the Chairman having acknowledged this, declared the meeting at an end. Confirmed as Correct W. C. Cuff Chairman