best. He was looking forward to a much better time next season. The state of the Club financially was excellent. Mr. W. R. Clayton commented on the management of the Club & Mr. C. Wright also spoke. A question having been asked re amount shown as owing by Sundry Debtors, the Chairman gave particulars of the various items. On the motion of the Chairman seconded by Mr. E. Green the balance sheet and report were unanimously adopted. Directorate The Chairman stated that since the notices had been sent out, a notice of motion had been handed in by Messrs W. A. Brunton & W. Crank calling upon the whole of the Board to resign. He said he was quite prepared to accept the motion and asked the Shareholders if they were agreeable and on a shew of hands it was overwhelmingly agreed to. Mr. W. R. Clayton however on a point of order questioned the legality of the proposition as it referred to special business, the Chairman thereupon stated that under these circumstances, the notice would be withdrawn. Dividend On the proposition of Mr. W. J. Sawyer seconded by Mr. A. Coffey it was unanimously agreed to pay a dividend of 7½% on the paid up capital of the Company for the year ending 2nd May 1925, less Income Tax. Election of Directors It was decided that the election be by ballot and the following gentlemen were appointed scrutineers viz. Messrs R. Nelson, H. S. Jones, T. W. Lake, J. Lawson, J. Taylor & W. R. Williams. The election resulted as follows:-