			[Annual General Meeting of Shareholders
			held at the Law Association Rooms, 14 Cook St.
			Liverpool on Thursday 28th May 1925]

		Present	Messrs W. C. Cuff (Chair), E. Green, H. Banks,
		A. Coffey, W. C. Gibbins, W. J. Sawyer, J. Sharp,
		A. R. Wade and 274 Shareholders.

			The Secretary read the notice convening
		the meeting.

Press			After which it was agreed that the
		members of the press be admitted.

Accounts &		On the motion of the Chairman it was
Balance Sheet	agreed that the Accounts & Balance Sheet be
		taken as read.

Director's Report	The Secretary having read the Auditors
		report, the Chairman proceeded with his report,
		firstly taking the financial side, in which
		he went into the various items of Income
		& Expenditure a/c in detail. He congratulated
		the Shareholders & Public on the great interest
		they had taken in the doings of the Club
		during the past season, which was reflected
		in the large amount of gate receipts.
		With regard to the play of the team, the Directors
		had been very disappointed. Several conferences
		had taken place between the Players & Directors,
		who had been caused much anxiety, and
		everything possible done to get the team into
		a winning vein. Injuries & illness had
		partially accounted for our lowly position, although
		at the same time individualism on the field
		had been far too apparent. The harmony
		between the Players & Directors was of the very