					     The Everton Football Club Company Ltd.

						For Year ending 2nd May, 1925.

		 1925.		EXPENDITURE.				 1925.				INCOME.

		May 2nd.				    £  	 s. d.	May 2nd.			   £   s.  d.		£    s.  d.

		To Players' Wages and Transfer Fees, &C.  22166  0  0	By Gate Receipts ... ... ...	44308 18  10
		"  Players’ and Trainers' Benefits  ...	   2021  0  0	"  Proceeds of Matches
		"  Medical Fees, Players' Accident Insurance,		    played away, &C.  ... ...    6743 12   8
			&c.  ... ... ... ... ... ... ...    302  0  3	"  Percentage from Inter-
		"  Gate Division to Visitors ... ... ...   7445  6  4	    national, Inter-League &
		"  Travelling Expenses   ... ... ... ...   2291  3  1	    Baseball Matches  ... ...	  443  5   6
		"  Advertising, Billposting, Printing and						------------	     51495  17   0
		    Stationery   ... ... ... ... ... ...    379 11  0	"  Season Tickets     ... ... ... ... ... 	       466  10   0
		"  Gate Expenses, Checkers, &c.  ... ...   1377  7  8	"  Advertising Contractors for Programmes,
		"  Training Expenses and Trainers' Wages   1442 15  6	    Hoardings and Refreshments    ... ...	       198  13   9
		"  Ground Expenses and Groundsmen's			"  Share Transfer Fees    ... ... ... ...		 0  10   0
		    Wages    ... ... ... ... ... ... ...   1079 15  0	"  Rents from Sub-tenants, Townsend Lane	       167   0   0
		"  National Health and Unemployment
		    Insurance    ... ... ... ... ... ...    122 13  3
		"  Rent, Rates, Taxes, Lighting, Water,
		    Telephone, Insurance, &c.... ... ...   3219  1  5
		"  Entertainment Tax ... ... ... ... ...   6658 15  3
		"  Office Expenses, Secretary’s Salary,
		    Postages, &c.... ... ... ... ... ...    929 15  5
		"  Bank Interest, Commission, etc.   ...      7  9  1
		"  Clothing, Material and Stores ... ...    364 12  4
		"  League and other Subscriptions, Contri-
		     butions, &c.... ... ... ... ... ...    866 17  6
		"  Law Costs and Accountancy Charges ...     64  4  6
							 £50738  7  7
		"  Balance to Profit and Loss Account...   1590  3  2
							 ------------							    ---------------
							 £52328 10  9							     £52328 10  9
							 ------------							    ---------------
							 ------------							    ---------------


							For Year ending 2nd May, 1925.

		 1924.							 1924.	
		June 13th.				      £  s. d.	May 3rd.			   			£    s.  d.
		To Dividend declared this day at 5 per cent.		By Surplus at this date as per Certified
		    per annum free of Income Tax   ...	     97  7  6	    Accounts	... ... ... ... ... ... ...	    35850    0   10
		 1925.							 1925.	
		May 2nd.				    		May 2nd.
		To Depreciation now written				By Income from Gwladys-street Property		      373    1    4
		       off Stands, &c., 10%	   ... ...  416 16 10	 "   "      "  Goodison-avenue, &c. ,,		      532    9    2
		"  Balance carried forward   ...   ... ...37959 15  2	 " Interest from Investments—
									   War Loan ... ... ... ... 125  0  0
									    "  Bonds... ... ... ...   3  5  0
												    ---------		      128    5    0
									 " Amount of Income in excess of
										Expenditure ... ... ... ... ... ...	     1590    3    2
							 ------------							   -----------------
							 £38473 19  6							   £38473   19    6
							 ------------							   -----------------
							 ------------							   -----------------