(Aberdeen) & Storer & Whitehouse (Derby C.) & Russell (Airdrie.) Report re Philipson Messrs Fare & Kirkwood reported that they did not consider this player good enough for us. Rand It was decided to offer this player an engagement at £4 per week with £1 extra when playing in 1st team. Houghton It was decided to make no additional offer to this player. Players Signed Secy. reported that Virr & McBain had re-signed. Staff Duties This question was discussed and it was decided to consider it again at next meeting. Travelling Arrangements It was agreed that in future the arrangements for away matches be left in the hands of the Secretary. Use of Ground An application from the Church Lads Brigade for use of G. P. on 4th July was not entertained. Hargreaves This players transfer fee was reduced to £250. Wall The question of accepting a less fee than £150 for this player was left in the hands of Chairman & Secy. L'pool County F. A. It was decided to nominate Mr. W. J. Sawyer as V. P. & Secy. as representative on this Council. L'pool Senior Cup It was agreed to forego our share of the gate in this Cup Final. L. U. B. C. An appeal for funds for purpose of purchasing playing fields was left over until next Meeting. Next Meeting This was left in hands of Chairman to fix. Confirmed as Correct W. C. Cuff Chairman