Harland Dr. Roberts report on the condition of this player was read & discussed & it was left in the hands of the Chairman to interview him with regard to subsequent treatment &c. Team Selections The following teams were selected. v New Brighton (a) 29th inst. Kendall, Raitt, Glover, Rooney, Bain, Virr, Millington, Rand, Dean, Hargreaves & Whitlow. v Northern Nomads (h) 29th inst. Jones, Caddick, Hamilton, Gray, Weir, McGrae, Parry, Barton, Harrington, Houghton, & Askall. v Leeds United (h) 2nd May Harland, Macdonald, O'Donnell, Brown, McBain, Reid, Chedgzoy, Chadwick, Broad or Irvine, Kennedy & Troup. Res. Irvine. v Leeds United Res. (a) 2nd May Kendall, Raitt, Kerr, Virr, Bain, Hart, Parry, Rand, Broad or Dean, Wall, Weaver. Res. Hargreaves. v Liverpool Res. L. C. 4th May Kendall, Raitt, Kerr, Virr, Bain, Hart, Parry, Rand, Broad, Chadwick, Weaver. Res. Rooney. Directors to N. Brighton Messrs A. R. Wade & W. C. Gibbins. do. to Leeds Mr. W. C. Gibbins. Blackpool Hospital The action of the Directors in London in Cup agreeing to play Blackpool F. C. for this Cup on 9th May was confirmed. Players Signed Secy. reported having re-signed the following Macdonald, Parry, Kendall, Rooney & Bain. Report re Russell Messrs J. Fare & D. Kirkwood gave good report (Airdrie.) of this player. Devan (S. Shields) Mr. D. Kirkwood gave an unfavorable report of this player.