Nominations for		It was decided to make the following
Football League	nominations viz. J. McKenna (President), J. Lewis
		(Vice President) & Messrs W. C. Cuff & C. E. Sutcliffe

Nominations for		It was also decided to re nominate
Central League	the whole of the present members of the
		Management Committee.

Linesmen		Agreed to nominate the following:-
		Football League	T. S. Constantine & W. H. Peers
		Central League	W. H. Peers & W. S. Clarkson.

Cassidy (Bolton)	Letter read stating transfer fee required
		was £3500. Decided not to entertain same at
		that figure.

St. Peter's School	It was agreed to issue this school 14
Newton C. Willows complementary tickets for our match v Sheffield
		United on the 27th inst.

Kendall			It was decided to offer this player
		a re-engagement at £6 per week.

Next Meeting		At Exchange Station Hotel on Tuesday
		28th inst. at 6 pm.

				Confirmed as correct
					W. C. Cuff