Bradford (Harst) Mr. C. Carrick gave a favorable report on this player. Millington (Wrexham) Mr. J. Fare gave an excellent report on this player & Secy. was instructed to make enquiries as to his position regarding Wrexham F. C. Decided that Mr. Fare watch him again & enquire terms of transfer. Full Backs Letters read from Arsenal, Middlesbro. Rangers & S. Shields clubs re Mackee, Freeman, Manderson & Crown. Winn (Bradford City) Secy. reported that Bradford City were not prepared to put a price on this player. J. Howarth Secy. reported death of this Secretary (Burnley) & stated he had ordered a wreath to cost £1.1.0 or £1.5.0 & his action was confirmed. Special Training It was decided to take the playerS away to Southport or W. Kerby or Hoylake from 20th to 27th inst. & Messrs E. Green, W. J. Sawyer & Secy. were appointed to accompany them. Journey to N'Cle The arrangements for journey on Xmas & Boxing Days were reported & approved. Glasgow Junior F. A. An application from this Association for a fixture on Jany. 2nd was not entertained. Fixture Lists It was agreed to give Mr. E. A. Mortion permission to publish an official list of fixtures for next Season. Medical Officer Letter read from Dr. A. Moserop Walker - It was decided to ask him to accept position as M. O. to players living in Wallasey area at a fee of 5/- per visit. L'pool Schools F. A. An application for use of ground was received. Decided to grant same on Decr. 22nd.