Team Selections The following teams were selected:- v W. Ham United (a) 18th inst. Harland, Macdonald, O'Donnell, Brown, McBain, Reid, Parry, Chadwick, Dean, Kennedy & Troup Res. Glover. v M/c City Res. (h) 18th inst. Kendall, Raitt, Kerr, Virr, Bain, Hart, Millington, Rand, Broad, Wall, Weaver, Res. Rooney. v New Brighton (L'pool Cup) 20th inst. Kendall, Raitt, Kerr, Virr, Bain, Hart, Parry, Rand, Broad, Wall, Weaver, Res. Hargreaves. Directors to W. Ham Messrs H. Banks, A. Coffey & W. J. Sawyer. Xmas Fixtures It was agreed to accept Blackburn Rovers suggestion for next season's fixtures as follows:- Xmas Day at Blackburn & Boxing Day at G. Park. Reports re Players Mr. E. Green gave a report of the interview Morris (Raith Rovers) with Raith Rovers F. C. & stated that price required would be about £3500. It was decided not to negotiate any further in this matter. Mackay (Morton) Mr. E. Green & Secy. gave a poor report on this player & it was decided to take no further steps re proposed transfer. Irish Juniors Messrs J. Fare & D. Kirkwood reported that Scottish do. Darlington Players none of these players were good enough for us. Friendly Match It was agreed to play Kilmarnock F. C. on our ground on 25th inst. on half gate terms. Applications from Greenock Morton F. C. & Irish Free State F. C. were not entertained. League Minutes Secy. reported that the league had approved following payments of benefit & accrued shares:- Peacock £650, Cock & Forbes £250 each & Williams £275. Playing Pitch The Ground Committee's recommendation to adopt the instructions of Messrs Carter & Co. re seed &c. was approved.