Use of ground		The use of Goodison Park was granted
		to the  L. A. B. C. on Apl. 16th & 24th.
		It was decided not to grant use of ground
		to Catholic Schools for net ball final.

Irish F. A.		Letter read asking if we could released
		Irvine for Apl. 18th. Decided to reply, that in
		our present position, we could not do so.

Canadian Tour		Letter read from C. P. Railway offering as
		term for 8 weeks tour in Canada during
		the Summer. Decided not to entertain the proposal.

Brittleton's Benefit	Permission was granted for J. Broad to
		play in this match provided we had no match
		on that date.

M/c City F. C.		Letter read stating that they considered
		they were entitled to compensation in Mar. 14th.

Players to watch	It was decided that the following
		Directors & Staff proceed to Scotland the next
		week end to look & enquire about following
		players. Messrs  W. C. Cuff,  A. Coffey, A. R. wade, J. Sharp,
		W. J. Sawyer,  D. Kirkwood & H. Makepeace.
		Players Mackay (Morton), Russell (Airdrie), Dunn (Hibs),
		Fleming  v Swallow (St. Johnston), Rock (Kilmarnock).

Next Meeting		At Exchange Station Hotel on Tuesday
		7th Apl. at 6 pm. Tea at 5 pm.

				Confirmed as correct
					W. C. Cuff