		v Aston Villa Res. (h) 4th Apl.
		Same as against L'pool Res. except Hart for Virr.
		v St. Francis Xavier's College & Huddersfield Town
		Harland, Macdonald, O'Donnell, Brown, McBain,
		Reid, Chedgzoy, Irvine, Dean, Kennedy & Troup
		Res. Glover.

Directors to Huddersfield Messrs E. Green & H. Banks.

Reports re Players	Mr. H. Makepeace gave a good report on
Mackay (Morton)	this player & an excellent one also of
Dunn (Hibs)	Dunn (Hibs).
Russell (Airdrie)	Mr. D. Kirkwood reported that he did not
		consider this player as good as Mackay.

Rand (Cockfield)	Secy. reported he was trying to get
		this player down for trial the necessary
		permission to do so having been received from
		the Cockfield F. C.

League Fixtures		Letter read from Mr. C. E. Sutcliffe asking
		for our suggestions re holiday fixtures for next
		season. It was agreed to suggest any Lancs.
		Clubs except L'pool & M/c club preferred.

Bennett (Notts F.)	Letters read from this Club offering us
		this player. Decided not to negotiate.

Darlington F. C.	It was agreed that Chairman & Secy.
re Scott	meet a deputation from this Club at Leeds
		on Monday Apl. 6th.

Arrangements v		It was decided to travel to Preston
Preston		on Good Friday by excursion train & to have
		lunch & tea at Exchange Station Hotel.

do v W. Ham		Agreed that similar arrangements to
		those v Arsenal be adopted for this match
		but to try & get accommodation at Grand Hotel.

St. Lukes Church	Agreed to grant the Vicar the use of
		practice ground on May 23rd for Children’s
		May day Festival.