Reports re Players Mr. H. Makepeace reported that as this McLaren (Bradford C.) goalkeeper had so little to do he could not say much about him. Rand (Cockfield) A favorable report of this player was received from Mr. E. Belshaw & it was decided to endeavour to get him down for a trial. Mackay (Morton) Mr. D. Kirkwood gave a very good report of this player & it was decided he be seen again. Letters of Thanks Letters received from various clubs &c. for use of ground &c. Liverpool Cup It was decided to offer New Brighton Monday Apl. 20th as date for this Semi final. New Brighton F. C. In reply to an application from this club it was agreed to play friendly match with them on their ground (re Glover's transfer) on Wed. Apl. 29th provided we had to play no other match. Cassidy (Bolton W.) Letter read from club asking £3500 for this player's transfer. Decided to offer £1500. Chadwick In reply to an enquiry from the Burnley F. C. it was decided to ask £4000 for this player. Ground Improvement Messrs E. Green & H. Banks gave a report of their interview with Messrs Carter & Co.'s representative in London. Decided to accept their offer to inspect & report on the ground at a fee of £15.15.0. Use of Ground The use of Goodison Park was granted for the following matches. Melly Cup Final on a date to be agreed Wednesday League Cup Semifinal on Apl. 15th. The L'pool District Alliance were offered Townsend Lane. Scott (Queens Island) A letter was read from this Club asking £900 for this player's transfer. Decided not to negotiate at this figure. Players It was decided to entertain 1st team to tea & theatre on Friday next.