Kennedy (M/c U.) Mr. W. J. Sawyer gave a good report re this player & Secy. was instructed to make an offer of £2000, the Chairman reporting that the price asked was £3500 Mr. A. Coffey was deputed to go with Secy. to negotiate. James (Raith Rovers) Secy. & H. Makepeace reported that this player although clever was small & letter read from the Club asking £3500 for his transfer. Decided to take no further action. Grand National It was decided to accept the quotation of the Wallasey Motor Touring C. of 25/- per head to take the players &c. to this event. Transfer of Shares The following transfer was approved Exor. of T. Bush to James Ross Hurrell 1 No. 2393 and 8 Nos. 2018-2020 & 170 to 174. Winsford Hospital Letter read from Hospital Committee asking if we would play at Winsford on 6th April. Decided we could not agree but try & fix later date. Chadwick Letter read from N'cle United F. C. re this player stating they could not agree an exchange for Cowan or Macdonald. Secy. stated he had informed them price required was £4000. Darlington F. C.} Letter read from F. A. agreeing to our re T. Scott }taking action against this club. The matter was left in the hands of the Chairman & copy of letter written to D'ton F. C. read & approved. Friendly Matches Application from Colchester Town F. C. and Cliftonville F. C. for friendly matches were not entertained. Peacock's Benefit It was decided to apply for permission to pay this player a benefit of £650. Donation Decided to grant £1.1.0 to the funds of the Railway Benevolent Institution. St. Francis Xavier’s Agreed to arrange a match with this College College as in previous years provided a suitable date could be arranged.