[Meeting of Directors held at Exchange Station Hotel L'pool on Tuesday 11th January 1927.] Present Mr. W. C. Cuff (Chair) & all other Directors except Dr. J. C. Baxter & Mr. A. Coffey & {Mr. J. Sharp} Minutes The Minutes of meeting held on the 4th inst. were read & confirmed. Finance The following receipts were reported:- Gate v Scottish Juniors £57.4.0 Tax £1.5.5 do v Poole £2049.5.10 Tax £329.0.0 Exs. £134.16.0 5% F. A. £75.13.11 1% to League £7.11.0 ½ gate to Poole £754.17.11 Bank Balance £5001.15.6 Dr. Amt. expended on New Stand to date £29598.9.9 Cheques were signed for the following:- Collection of Customs & Excise Enterts. Tax £330.5.5 Poole F. C. ½ gate Exs. £836.15.5 Football Assocn. 5% £75.13.11 Football League 1% £7.11.0 L'pool City Police £18.16.6 J. H. McIntosh Wages &c. £320.0.0 Armadale F. C. Transfer Fee £800.0.0 Reports of matches Reports were received of the matches v Scottish Jr. 9-2, Poole 3-1 & M/c United Res. 2-2. Dr. & Trainers Dr. C. Baxter & Trainer's reported all Report players fit except Brown. It was decided to send Dominy to have his nose attended to by Mr. H. V. Fooster. Special Training The action of the Secy. under the direction of several members of the Board in arranging for 17 players to train at Hoylake with Hd. Qrs. at Green Lodge Hotel was approved.