		v S'land (a)
			Same team with Kerr Reserve
		v Bury Res. (h)
		Hardy, Hamilton, Macdonald, Curr, Griffiths,
		Rooney, Moffat, Woodhouse, Morgan or Murray,
		Houghton, Kendrick Res Millington.

Director to S'land	Mr. W. C. Gibbins.

Johnson (M/C City)	Letter read from club that they were
		not prepared to part with this player.

League Minutes		The Minute referring to the engagement
		of players after compensation for injury was read.

Batten			Secy. reported that the League had
		agreed to payment of £62.15.0, accrued share
		of benefit to this player.

Reports re Players	Secy. reported that he had interviewed
Scottish Players the respective clubs re Ritchie (Hibs), McPhail
		(Airdrie), Stevenson (Motherwell) & Gibson (Partick F.)
		& that they were not prepared to part with
		these players at present.

Mr. Fadyen (Motherwell)	Secy. & Mr. F. Weir reported that this
		player was not up to standard required.

Keeping (S'hampton)	Mr. J. Fare gave an excellent report
Hodgkinson (Barnsley) of the former and also reported that
		the latter was a very promising back.

Smith (Newport C.)		Mr. J. Elliott gave a very good
		report of this player, but that Hannah
Hannah (Norwich) had not played owing to injury.

Critchley, Johnson	Mr. A. R. Wade again gave a good
& Williams (Stockport) report of these players and it was
		decided that the Chairman be given powers
		to negotiate for the transfer of Critchley up
		to £3000.

Hampson (Nelson)	Mr. E. Green gave a good report of
		this player & Secy. was instructed to enquire