C. L. Match v		The Secy.'s action in arranging to play
M/C United	this postponed match on Jany. 8th they to pay
		our travelling & hotel Expenses was confirmed.

Transfer of Shares	The transfer of the following shares was approved
		Exors. of Jos'h Hughes 4 shares No. 1790 & 1573 - 1575 to J. W. Grierson.

Share Indemnity		Decided to issue new certificate to Exors
Donations	of Geo. Parkin in lieu of one lost.
			Decided to grant a donation of £2.2.0
		to British Legion Poor Children’s Trial but not
		to subscribe to L'pool Loyal Unemployed Committee.

Special Training	It was agreed that the following
		16 players proceed to Heswall for special
		Training on Monday next until Jany. 1st
		viz. Hardy, Davies, Raitt, Macdonald, Kerr,
		Brown, Peacock, Hart, Virr, Bain, Woodhouse,
		Irvine, Dean, Dominy, Troup, Kennedy, Secy.
		to make necessary arrangements at Hotel Victoria.

Scottish Players	Secy. was instructed to proceed to Scotland
		to endeavors to secure the transfer of the
		following players viz. Ritchie (Hibs) up to
		£4000, McPhail (Airdrie) up to £5000 & failing
		him Stevenson (Motherwell). He was also
		instructed to make further enquiries re J. Gibson. (P. Thistle).

F. A. Cup		Secy. reported we had been drawn to
		play Pool (home) in 3rd Rd. Decided not to
		book Seats.

Next Meeting		At Exchange Station Hotel on Tuesday next
		at 6pm.

							Confirmed as correct

							    W. C. Cuff