			[Meeting of Directors held at
			Midland Adelphi Hotel L'pool
			on Tuesday 14th Decr. 1926]

		Present Mr. W. C. Cuff (Chair), E. Green, H. Banks,
			J. Sharp, A. R. Wade & W. J. Sawyer.

Minutes			The Minutes of meeting held on the
		7th inst. were read & confirmed.

Finance			The following receipts were reported
		Gate v Cardiff City £1683.13.0 Tax £271.14.10
			20% £204.16.6	1% £13.11.10
		Gate v Bootle Celtic	   £1.10.2
		Wolves F. C. Balce. of Fee re Weaver £500
		   Aston Villa F. C. 20% £175.19.5
		   Repayment of Insurance Premium £5
		   Bank Balance £4013.17.4 Dr.
		Amt. expended on New Stand to date £29448.16.2
		Cheques were signed for the following :-
		Collector of Customs & Excise Enterts. Tax £271.14.10
		Cardiff City F. C. 		20%	   £204.16.6
		Football League			 1%	   £13.11.10
		T. H. McIntosh		    Wages & Exs.   £320.0.0

Reports of Matches	Reports were received of the matches v
		Cardiff City 0-1, Sheffield U. Res. 0-0 & Bootle Celtic 3-2.

Dr. & Trainer's}	Dr. C. Baxter & Trainer H. Cooke reported
	Report}	all players fit.

Team Selections		The following teams were selected
		v Burnley (a)
		Davies, Macdonald, Kerr, Brown, Hart, Virr,
		Woodhouse, Irvine, Dean, Dominy, Troup, Res Raitt.
		v Bradford City Res (a)
		Hardy, Hamilton, O'Donnell, Rooney, Bain, Reid,
		Millington, Houghton, Peacock, Kennedy, Moffat
		Res W. Curr