New Stand		Tenders were received for covering with
		Tar-mac the floor under this Stand. Decided
		to ask for alternative estimates for concrete
		and the same to be brought forward at a
		meeting of the Ground Committee to be held
		at G. P. on Friday next.

J. McGill		Secy. reported this ex player having
		presented a medal (1884) to the club, and it was
		agreed to accord him a vote of thanks for doing so.

Players to Watch	Messrs The Chairman & Mr. A. R. Wade to watch
		Critchley (Stockport County) & if satisfied, to enter
		into negotiations for his transfer up to £2000.
			Messrs A. Coffey & W. J. Sawyer to watch Hampson (Nelson)
			J. Fare  to watch Shaw (Gainsboro.)
			J. Elliott  do.   Kendrick (Shelbourne)
		& ask if club would be prepared to let us have
		him & Daly on a months trial.
			G. Hoare to watch Morris (Saridon)
			J. Weir to look for an inside forward or O. L.
			D. Kirkwood & Secy. to watch Stoke City v Rhyl.
			A. R. Wade & Secy.     do.   New Brighton v Wrexham.

Next Meeting		At Exchange Station Hotel on Tuesday
		next at 6 pm.

				Confirmed as Correct
					W. C. Cuff